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How to let go...

20. 05. 2021 v 07:54Off-line Anonym
How to let go,

I am sorry for the anonymous message, but it feels more comfortable to open such a theme in such a way. You, everybody, have your struggles and cope with it by yourself, therefore I am seeking for your advice. 

How to let go?

Those words sounds so simple, but it feels so difficult.

I met someone recently. He gave me back the feeling that I am alive again, but I know that those feelings are not mutual, but still, I am a man of action so my body is feeling the need to keep fighting and make him to like me.

Yet in the deep of my mind I know that I would be a burden for him in future.
The p***ion which I feel comes from so many emotions like comp***ion, love, intimacy, feeling of protection, usefulness and belonging.

How can intellect fight all that and win? How to become only supporting friend until I am not needed anymore and then just let go? 
20. 05. 2021 v 10:27Off-line Tarferi  (30/-/-)
"seeking for your advice" -> "seeking your advice"
"words sounds" -> "words sound"
"make him to like" -> "make him like"
"for him in future" -> "for him in the future"
"to become only supporting friend" -> "to become a supporting friend"
20. 05. 2021 v 14:12Off-line Peta80  (43/187/-)
Jezinko, o nic jsi nepřišel, je to zas jen klasický "blá, blá, nešťastně jsem se zamiloval, blá, blá, jak překonat touhu po něm, blá, blá"...
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